Find great lessons and tips to clean and refinish exterior furniture such as teak and cedar.
How to clean teak furniture. This video is a good explanation and pretty much covers the entire cleaning process. In colder climates where furniture gets lets outdoors year round, this method should be done annually.
When all else fails and you have to use a pressure washer to clean a teak bench. When wood is not regularly maintained, removing mould and other organisms sometimes requires more than hand scrubbing.
Orbital sander on a teak table. If you want to completely avoid chemicals and pressure washing, this would be the way to go. It's a lot more time consuming, but sanding is sometimes necessary on older furniture that has not been maintained.
Restoring a teak table using cleaners and a garden hose. Good demonstration of the process. Easy for any DIY that doesn't own a pressure washer.
Staining a new oak chair for outdoor use. Good techniques can be learned from this.
Spraying teak oil. Seeing the high volume of furniture definitely builds creditabilty to these folks. It's important to note that the table legs were probably wiped immediately after spraying to clean up the drips.